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Do You Have TMJ Disorder? Do You Want to Get Rid of Your Pain, Discomfort, and Other Symptoms? Soma Vita Physio & Wellness Can Assist You.

TMJ disorder can result in a variety of life-altering symptoms. It is characterized by pain in the jaw, neck, and head region, which can be debilitating and have an impact on your quality of life.

We have a lot of experience treating TMJ patients at Soma Vita Physio & Wellness. Our team is committed to providing personalized, evidence-based treatments that address the root causes of your pain and discomfort. To best serve you, we are happy to collaborate with your dental/orthodontic providers.

Finding doctors who are familiar with the TMJ and its interconnectedness with the rest of the body’s systems can be challenging. When it comes to this sort of thing, we really know what we’re doing.

Each member of our staff is committed to doing everything it takes to improve your health and way of life.

Get in touch with us today to find out more about the services we offer to treat TMJ. Our staff is here to give you the attention and encouragement you need to feel better again. Get moving in the direction of a happier, pain-free existence.

Common Scenarios We See Are:

What Could You Do to Assist Yourself?

You may rest assured that you will receive the best possible therapy for TMJ from our seasoned therapists here at Soma Vita Physio & Wellness. Watchung and Morristown, New Jersey residents who have symptoms of TMJ should get in touch with us right away.

Don’t wait any longer to take the first step toward feeling better; book an appointment today.

To What Extent Does Soma Vita Physio & Wellness Differ From Competitors?

To treat TMJ, we at Soma Vita Physio & Wellness take a more all-encompassing approach. Postural alignment, breathing exercises, jaw stretching, relaxation techniques, and more are all part of the individualized treatment plan we create after getting to know each patient.

For lasting effects, we also offer follow-up appointments to ensure that your treatment plan is being adhered to. The success of your treatment depends on your questions being answered and your active participation in the process, both of which our seasoned therapists are here to facilitate.

Don’t wait any longer to take the first step toward feeling better; book an appointment today.

What Other People Just Like You Are Saying About Soma Vita Physio Wellness in Watchung NJ

32+ 5-Star Reviews!

- Acleema K.


“If there were a ten-star rating, I would give it to PT Dimitrakakis. She worked continuously with excellent results, on my jaw and neck because of my TMJ issues. She was very dedicated on my well being and me getting on the road to recovery…Love Her!!”

- Mona C.


“I met Stella on February 19, 2016, for physical therapy on my right elbow. Greeted with a warm friendly smile. Next an evaluation and care plan were done. The rest is really history. She has been my Physical Therapist up until now, December 20, 2022. She is AMAZING, CARING, EMPATHIC and the one I trust with my PT care. Her bed side manners are impeccable and very professional. She always makes sure your posture and technique are correct, so you get the most benefit out of your physical therapy treatments. Know that she is always on your side and cheering you on. You are safe in the care that Stella provides.”

- Linda G.


I started seeing Dr. Stella in April ’23. I have struggled with TMJD, head and neck pain for 20+ years. I would see PTs, some specializing in TMJD, and would get relief but eventually the pain would come back.
Dr. Stella is the first PT I have seen that has ever focused on the root of the problem. She knows more about TMJD than my dentist does! My condition is chronic so I don’t expect to be 100% symptom free. But I can say I have less frequent and less severe flares while in maintenance phase (once ev. 4-6 weeks) with Dr. Stella vs. results I’ve acheived going to traditional PT 3 times a week. Dr. Stella also has an amazing wealth of knowledge & techniques. She has used traditional exercise/strengthening based PT along with specialized hands-on manipulation/massage. I am always amazed with how much releif I get from some of the non-traditional techniques. She is also generous with her knowledge and techniques, teaching me tools I can use at home for pain relief between visits. Dr. Stella is down to earth, friendly and caring. I am grateful for finding her on my journey to feeling better.